Saturday, August 13, 2011

London so far

Yikes! I've been here for four months now- HOW did that happen?! I mean geez- I've already made it back to California once in that time! It would bore you to tears for me to document all my goings-ons since April, so I'll just give you the highlights. In a list. Because I love a good list.

- I'm working in a lovely little office in Soho- it's a fantastic central location and my officemates are top notch. In fact, I went to school with one of them here in London when we were four years old, so I sit three feet away from someone I've known for almost 24 years. Bizarre.
- It was great to be here in time for the Royal Wedding. Because I spent all my formative years in the US, I do 'feel' more American, yes, but that day made me so immensely proud to be a Brit! God Save Kate and Wills!
- I have become a full-on Londoner and I growl angrily at the tourists on the tube in the morning- MOVE PEOPLE!
- I go out drinking, ah, quite a lot. Everyone knows the Brits drink, shall we say, a healthy amount, but it's actually not the volume that I've noticed, it's the FREQUENCY. Every night! And the boozy lunch still thrives in London, but to this I can't subscribe!
- Every morning I smile at the politeness of it all- there's an announcement on the train in which a lady's voice says "Please do try to keep all your personal belongings with you." Of course I will as you're asking so nicely!
- I gorge myself on English chocolate every day- it is better than American chocolate by leaps and bounds. Before you get defensive, American friends, remember that I've been doing 15 years of rigorous research on this topic and don't worry, when it comes to ice cream, it's the USA all the way.
- In an attempt to answer that age-old question, English boys or American boys, let's just say, rigorous research...
- I've had loads of visitors already! Angie, Lindsay, my sister and my mom- plus my dad is here for business, like, every other week. Set up a fare alert people! London is a hop from WHEREVER you are. I have a spare room all ready for you!
- It's really nice to have my family nearby- I can get to know my cousins better, spend proper time with my Granny and I always have a nice comfy place to go in Cambridge or Somerset if I need a break from London.
- It's amazing to pop over to Paris if I feel like it- which I have done. I'm popping over to Bruges in a few weeks just for the weekend. Brilliant!
- I love reconnecting with my childhood friends- many of them are still around and for the most part, none of us has changed that much. I went to a Take That concert with one of them recently and we giggled when we saw Mark Owen, now in his 40s, up there on the stage and remembered how we used to cover our bedroom walls with his face and dream of being Mrs. Owen!
- I also love reconnecting with my backpacking buddies! Though I've seen many of them several times now, it's still bizarre to meet for a drink in central London and recall how we started chatting at that awful Irish pub on the Khao San Road, or on the bus to Goa, or at the hostel in Queenstown...ah, those were the days...

But you know what, THESE are the days too! London is rainy and crowded and full of rioters (I managed to avoid that for the most part, in case you're wondering, but it was actually quite terrifying) but it's an ADVENTURE. I have to remember that when I first moved to San Francisco I had two suitcases and no friends, and I made a huge success of that! This time I had four suitcases and already had loads of friends- so I was doing OK before the wheels even touched the ground.

And I am having a blast. As with any city, once you get to know it better, there's way more than meets the eye. So come and see me, let me show you around and meet my new friends. Plus, I miss you!