Monday, May 3, 2010

The Last Weekend

Wow, I can't even begin to describe the past few days. I'll begin with Friday, April 30, which was my last day at Allison & Partners. First of all, it was awesome because we played classic tunes like "Party in the USA" and "Poker face" all day, went out for an amazing lunch and just generally had fun. It was like everyone's last day! It got sad when I had to start saying goodbye to folks, which I 100% wasn't ready for! True to form, I was the last person in the office, and I cried my little eyes out as I left my empty (and very dusty- sorry guys! Most know I'm not married to cleanliness particularly...) cube behind. I sniffled and sobbed on my way to meet some friends for drinks. By the time I got there, I had actually calmed down and was getting into the mindset of "YESSSS!!!! NO MORE WORK!!" Then, I walked into the bar and my friends said "Hey! Happy Last Day!" aaaaaand I lost it. Right there at Columbus Cafe- très embarrassing, but really demonstrates how I feel about my A&P peeps. A frosty brew helped the situation, but now it's Monday morning and I'm late for the Ning internal team call...right?

Soon enough it was Saturday, the day of my big going-away party. I was psyched! I scrounged together enough pennies to get my nails done, and my gorgeous girlfriend Kyra treated me to a makeover at MAC. Fake eyelashes and everything (which I kept telling people - I think the point is for everyone to think, "Gosh, doesn't Susie have lovely lush eyelashes!")!! We had rented out a bar in SOMA and I was so happy to have all my besties (even Linds, all the way from NY!) there. I told everyone I wasn't really leaving, and it was a just a test to see who my friends are...and they passed with flying colors! 'Bon Voyage' flags with my name on the other side, cupcakes, stickers with sentiments like "Who would you rather Susie come back looking like? Snooki or J-Woww?" and "My drunkest memory of Susie is..." and "Would you bail Susie out of a Turkish prison? Yes or No?". It was FANTASTIC!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to my fabulous friends who went to the trouble to put it all together, including the BF (Who, I just realized, has never been identified here by name. Chris!).

Oh, and all you Gleeks out there?! OH. MY. GLEE!!!! There was a Glee star at my party - Jonathan Groff who plays Jesse St. James from Vocal Adrenaline. I ABOUT lost my mind because I'm nutty about that show, but I held it together to have a great chat with him, and he was so awesome as to indulge all my inane questions about the rest of the cast. So Jonathan if you're reading this, it was a pleasure and thanks so much for being so chill! Katie, thanks for bringing Jonathan along!

So, all in all, fabulous time. Spent yesterday sunning self in park and just enjoying my beautiful city. San Francisco, I have SO much stuff- it's going to be really hard to carry it all, so to lighten the load, I think I'll have to leave my heart here.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts Susie... just checking to make sure you're postin'!!
    Best to you - all of us at Manta!!
